Friday, 3 April 2020

WhatsApp announces new features to combat fake news amid coronavirus outbreak

Coronavirus misinformation on WhatsApp is going viral, despite ...

Texting application WhatsApp on Wednesday reported two new highlights through which it plans to battle the spread of the pandemic and the falsehood going with it that is stirring feelings of dread over the globe.

To lessen the spread of gossipy tidbits, the application reported WhatsApp Coronavirus Data Center — an activity in organization with the WHO, UNICEF and UNDP — to offer basic, significant direction, general tips, and assets on the contamination.

WhatsApp said it was additionally working with WHO and UNICEF to give informing hotlines to individuals around the world to utilize. It was not satisfactory when the hotlines will be prepared to utilize however they will give data and will be recorded on the WhatsApp Coronavirus Data Center.

The informing application said it was giving $1 million to the Poynter Organization's Worldwide Truth Checking System (IFCN) and the reserve will help in certainty checking for the #CoronaVirusFacts Collusion.

"We are additionally satisfied to have the option to cooperate with the Poynter Establishment to help develop the measure of certainty checking associations on WhatsApp and to help their life sparing work to expose bits of gossip. We will likewise keep on working straightforwardly with wellbeing services far and wide for them to give refreshes directly inside WhatsApp," the application's head at Facebook, Will Cathcart, said.

"We've almost multiplied server limit with regards to @WhatsApp, and keep on considering solid to be as individuals place more voice and video calls far and wide," Cathcart included. "We'll keep on doing everything we can to keep WhatsApp up, dependable, and quick as individuals remain socially inaccessible while staying associated."

The declaration was made today as it became more clear that the application, which is utilized by in excess of 2 billion individuals over the globe, is being utilized to spread falsehood about the novel infection which has guaranteed in excess of 8,000 lives the world over and influenced 200,000.


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